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Visit our products page. Click on the product(s) of choice.
(Ex. If you want letters for SAM, click the style letters you want 3 times).
Note what service you are requesting from our services and add any additional information that maybe needed during checkout.
Some prices that are listed in the description may already include shipping and service fees. If there is a special request that requires special attention. Please be mindful that what you purchase on the site may only serve as your non-refundable deposit.
You will receive a final invoice from PayPal when your order is completed.
Payments are accepted through Cash App, PayPal, Venmo.
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It is a pleasure to serve you. Thank you!
“Generation Greek”
A generation that never gets old. Any service we provide can be Greek-themed. Paddles can also be made for non- Greek related services. Check out our picture arcade to see our various styles.
“Story Dream Letters”
Our Story Dream Letters will make your child's dreams come true! These letters are inspired from your favorite story characters, TV shows, or movies…This is definitely an originators favorite. All letters are made for hanging. Check out some unique styles from our past dreamers in the picture arcade.
“Mix n Match”
No particular plan is needed for our custom “Mix n Match” service. These letters are made with EVERYTHING! Designed from the heart of kreativity to bring exquisiteness to any room.
“Chain Gang”
We use keys everyday, so make them happy. Add embellishments and bling to help unlock your keys dreams; they deserve it for doing all the work.
“Badge & Bourgeoisie”
Your badge deserves to be bourgeoisie. We specialize in making your badge an exquisite piece of your wardrobe. Perfect for nurses, office staff, teachers, doctors, custodians, and the list continues. Use it to hold a few keys or your badge.
“Door Necklace”
Whoever told you doors don’t wear jewelry, LIED! These trendy necklaces can be customized with statements, phrases and quotes, such as: Quiet Please or Baby is Sleeping. Hey, initials work too. Did we mention that both sides can be customized? Door Necklaces are perfect for bedrooms, offices, classrooms and nurseries. Make an entrance or an exit....
“Wood Alteration”
Need help keeping up with your loved ones? Order your “Wood Alteration” today. We transfer pictures unto shapes of wood to create a wonderful keepsake. Picture that!
“Klip Art Klipboards”
Make your business our business. Klipboards can be for promotion purposes, pop-up-shops, vending events, your place of business or a keepsake. We can personalize any theme. Hang it, easel it, nail it, or klip it!
“Junk Mirrors”
Our compact mirrors keep you in check. This on-the-go beauty is perfect for your pouch. When you are in the mirror, others are looking at a junk’d masterpiece on the outside. Cute, right?
“I See the Light”
Oh yes, your light switches will no longer be cold. Check out our light covers for all switches! Perfect for any room!
“Cute As A Button”
You’re “Cute As A Button”, can come in any size! Hang it or place it on an easel. Place it in your office, living room, or lobby.
“Treasure Box”
The definition is in the name. A trunk or chest full of goodies, keepsakes, surprises and treasures! Great for holiday’s, birthdays and special occasions. This is the only time we recommend living inside the box.
“Mystery Box/Bag/Buckets”
Bless someone with an unexpected gift. Any day is a perfect day to show gratitude to someone special. Don’t forget it’s a secret or shall we say a MYSTERY! Available for all ages.